Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Horns and Their Abusers

by Robert Wurtz II

Post-modernism has virtually criminalized standing for truth. Everyone's opinion is equal, so they say. Yet they don't mind being judgmental calling Christians judgmental. And yet this attitude has crept into the churches. How? In many cases it's because of the institutions of higher learning that pressure Christians to compromise or entice them to elevate themselves to a postmodern mindset.

Understand that political correctness began in the institutions of learning. Tolerance is now somehow exalted over truth, logic, and common sense. There seems to be an enticement to rather appeal to the intellectual elite than to please God. Some are conforming to this world rather than being transformed by the renewing of their minds.

These concepts unlock the wheels of perdition so that lies and deceit can roll through society wrecking and ruining unthwarted! The enemy would have it no other way. And what better than to stroke the pride and ego of a postmodernist as they feel the elation of being "tolerant" - as if tolerance is a virtue.