Thursday, December 24, 2009

Laying Up Treasures

Christ's Message to American Christians

by Roger Hertzler

In Matthew 6:19 Jesus commands us, "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth." He commands us further in Luke 12:33 and Matthew 6:20, "Sell that ye have, and give alms," and "Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven."

Why is it wrong for Christians to accumulate wealth on this earth? Because it steals our love, for Jesus said our hearts will be with our treasures. Because it denies the hungry, thirsty, and naked of the provisions that we could be giving them. Because it destroys our faith in God, Who ought to be the focus of our trust. Because we have a far better investment opportunity available to us, namely, treasures in Heaven.

But the number one reason that it is wrong to lay up for ourselves treasures on earth is that it is direct disobedience to the commands of Jesus, the very One that we claim as our Lord and Master. The simple fact that He told us to "lay not up" and to "sell and give" ought to be more than enough reason to simply obey.

Yet for most Christians in America, it is just as though these commands do not exist. Our behavior in this area is no different from that of the non-Christians around us. We have piled up enormous amounts of wealth in stocks, bonds, savings accounts, retirement plans, and other earthly investments with no regard whatsoever to the fact that Jesus told us not to do it. If anything, in fact, Christians tend to be more enthused about accumulating earthly wealth than their non-Christian neighbors.

Jesus' teaching on this subject is so abundant and so plain that it is truly amazing that we as Christians could have missed it. He made statements like "Woe to you who are rich" and "Blessed are you who are poor". He said it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich man to make it to Heaven. He told stories of rich men going to Hell and poor men going to Heaven. And in Matthew 25 he indicated that a key factor in our eternal destiny is whether or not we have used our earthly resources to help those in need.

Christ's disciples also taught and practiced these commands of their Teacher. In Acts 2 & 4 we see the early Christians obeying Christ's commands explicitly. In 1 Timothy 6, Paul writes that the love of money is the root of all evil. James tells rich men who have heaped together wealth for the future to "weep and howl" for the miseries that are coming upon them. And John writes that if we withhold our possessions when we see a needy brother, then the love of God cannot be in us.

Our disobedience in this area has brought much reproach to Christ's name. Christians are known in this country far more for their greed than they are for their generosity. The non-Christians around us would be utterly astounded to hear that our Leader said anything at all against the accumulation of wealth.

What shall we do then? How will true repentance look for those of us who have broken these commands of Jesus?

Sell the possessions you have that you really don't need, especially the investment type assets (treasures) that you have stored up on this earth. If there are taxes due as a result of these sales, pay them. If there are debts connected to these assets, satisfy them. If you have restitution to make or other bills that are due, take care of those things as well.

Then take the money you have left and begin in the name of Jesus to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and spread the gospel, especially to those in third world countries. By doing so you will be laying up treasures in Heaven, "where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth."

If you are willing to consider that this might be a message from the Lord, and would like to take a more detailed look at this subject, then I invite you to read the free book "Through the Eye of a Needle".


Lately it has been very encouraging to see increasing numbers of Christians beseeching God to pour out revival upon the American church. The great revivals of the past have all been preceded by much prayer by God's people, and I long for this to be an indication that another great revival is not far away.

Yet is it possible that God is saying the church in response to these prayers, "I am willing to revive when you are willing to repent."? Could it be that God is saying to us, "I've already told you what you need to do. Go listen to the words I spoke to you through my Son. Go read His words in the Sermon on the Mount. Hear His commands, obey them, and teach others to do the same. Then, and only then, will I send you the revival you are seeking."?

Is there any price too high for the church to be revived, for sinners to be saved, and for Christ to be glorified?

This has not been an easy message to write, and I'm sure it hasn't been an easy message for you to read. But today is not a day for ease, but rather a day to humble our hearts before God. This life we are living is not a playground, but a battlefield. Most of the people living on this earth (including many who call Jesus their Lord) will end up in Hell rather than in Heaven, according to the words of our Savior. Time is short, eternity is near, and the need is desperate for men and women to become brave soldiers in the army of God.

I did not write this message for the fun of it, but because I desire to honor and obey my King. I believe God gave me this burden because it reflects His heart toward American Christians and because he desires that they would all hear this message while there is still time to respond to it.

Perhaps there are actually some of you who have not rejected this message immediately. Perhaps after reading it, you believe that it might in fact be a true reflection of God's heart. If so, I would encourage you to share it with the other Christians you know.

Don't do it for my sake, however, since I'm sure it won't be any more fun sharing it with others than it was for you to read it yourself. Do it rather for the sake of Him Who died for you, as He gives you courage and guidance, that He alone may be glorified.